Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The final paragraph of the Aug 23rd post was a tongue-in-cheek stab at the media. The main point of the post was that the media were putting serious issues on the back burner in order to provide non-stop coverage of the Jon Benet Ramsey mess. The media had been reporting that terrorists were trying to eradicate the American way of life, and that the President of Iran wanted Israel removed from the map. The final paragraph did not reflect the beliefs of Billing Anders.

Terrorists, Islamic or not, are not bent on the destruction of the USA. They are not attempting to take freedoms away from Americans. This is not a "misery loves company" situation. Most terrorists come from nations wherein they do not control their destinies. Many of the states have totalitarian regimes supported by the USA (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt to a slightly lesser degree, etc.). In my lifetime most terrorist attacks were designed to call attention to the plight of a particular group. There have been occasions when the attack went too far and was counterproductive to the terrorists' goals. The events of Munich in 1972 are such an example.

Americans should remember that in the 1770s the colonists who opposed British rule in America were essentially terrorists. The colonists' tactics in the Revolutionary War were considered to be terrorist in nature. Wars were not fought from behind trees and rocks. Armies marched onto the field of battle in an orderly fashion and followed rules. The Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism.

As long as America continues to support regimes that stifle the opportunities for large segments of their populations, we will be reviled as an enabler. If America truly fought for global self-determination and democracy, it would be a different situation. The Bush administration is full of bluff and bluster about spreading freedom and democracy. This changes when the democratic process provides results that the Bush administration do not like-Hamas in Palestine, the presidential election in Iran, the defeat of Joe Lieberman in Connecticut.

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