Friday, August 18, 2006

In the wake of 9/11 all Americans became accustomed to hearing the date- 9/11 and the country-Iraq used in the same sentences. The September terrorist attacks were virtually never mentioned without the addition of the fact that Iraq constituted a threat. This low-brow form of brainwashing was very effective. An embarrassing number of Americans actually believed that Iraq was somehow involved in the events of 9/11. Sadly, the only connection was that the events of 9/11 created an environment which allowed the Bush administration to do what it wanted in Iraq. The same low-brow tactics are being employed again. During the monthlong conflict in Lebanon, the reportage was laced with mention of Iran and Syria. In 2001 America was attacked by al Qaeda resulting in the invasion of Iraq. In 2006 Israel was attacked by Hezbollah. The question remains- will the response ultimately be directed at Iran and Syria?

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