Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's not easy being sane and rational in the traditionally red state of Indiana. There are still a large number of Bush supporters who refuse to face the facts as regards the current administration. Here in the Midwest there are people who actually believe that the estate tax is a "death tax" that applies to everyone. There are people who believe that Iraq was involved in 9/11. Indiana is also the state that has seen the complete eradication of representative democracy. Our ex-Bushie governor has pushed through legislation that the majority of Hoosiers (natives of Indiana) opposed. There are Hoosiers who believe that our elected representatives are not supposed to serve their constituencies, but to do what they consider best for the voters. Daylight Savings Time was passed because a Republican state representative thought the governor would be embarrassed if the measure was voted down. It did not matter that Rep. Woodruff's entire constituency opposed DST, he cast the vote which put the bill over the top. 75% of Indiana's voters were opposed to the governor's "Major Moves" initiative and yet it too was enacted by the legislature. One of the first things that our wonderful governor Daniels did was to eliminate the Department of Commerce and replace it with an economic development corporation. He also revamped the Bureau of Motor Vehicles by filling all the top positions with ex-executives from a sporting goods chain. The BMV has now become so inept that the State Police can't use the state's records or data base when trying to run license plate numbers. Indiana is a microcosm of the demise of the entire nation.

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