Monday, August 14, 2006

What a surprising turn of events- the GOP are getting worried about November, and terrorism conveniently rears its ugly head again. It reminds me of the timely appearance of bin Laden shortly before the 2004 election. As November gets closer, we can expect the terrorist chatter to increase in volume. The fly in the ointment for the GOP this election is that the ostriches are pulling their heads out of the sand. Billy Bob Republicans are realizing that the misadventure in Iraq has made the threat of terrorism worse, and that the Bush administration has done little to actually make Americans safer. Hopefully these same Billy Bobs will start to wake up to the fact that the only tangible accomplishments of this administration have been to make the wealthy ultra-wealthy, and the ultra-wealthy- obscenely wealthy. Corporations have been coddled and now pay the lowest percentage of taxes in history.

I wonder if I am the only person confused by the fact that I now have to watch paid advertising for Boeing, McDonald-Douglass, etc. How many American TV viewers are in the market for an airliner- or a bomber for that matter.

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