Monday, October 30, 2006

Arrogance abounds in and around the Bush administration. The latest example featured the wife of our charismatic Vice President. Since her contentious interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, her husband has publically referred to her performance as a slap down. I watched the entire interview and I did not witness a slap down. Wolf kept his composure and tried to make his case, though Lynne Cheney gave him little opportunity. The fact that CNN had been airing a series titled "Broken Government" apparently bothered Mrs. Cheney very much. She intimated that CNN was basically working for the Democratic Party, and broadcasting their talking points. The Democratic Party does not know how to manipulate language and utilize talking points. If they were able to do so, they wouldn't be in the minority.

It is sad that Mrs. Cheney doesn't understand that our government is fatally flawed. Actually "Broken Government" is an understatement. Our system of government as created by the Founding Fathers bears no resemblance to what we have now. If the founders ever used the term "unitary" as regards the executive branch of our government, they would have used it literally- that the Chief Executive had to be an individual and not a panel or cabal or any other group. The Bush administration's use of the term is designed to make the executive supremely powerful at the expense of the other two branches of our government.

Instead of gloating vicariously through her husband, Lynne Cheney should apologize to Wolf Blitzer and CNN for her indefensible behaviour.

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